Transform Learners Into Leaders Using the Executive Mentoring Model

Dr. Rich Schuttler’s Executive Mentoring Model is founded on the philosophy of individualized and intentional relationships, in which his clients are empowered to achieve their full potential through a variety of self-regulating techniques and regular interaction with a skilled and proven mentor.

By focusing on a shortlist of prioritized dimensions, Dr. Rich’s clients can identify approaches to develop a healthier self-balance, improving their ability to manage change through proven sequential processes and to better respond to all personal reactions.

Dr. Rich Schuttler's Executive Mentoring Model for Leader Phase

Three Triads: The Architecture of the Organizational and Executive Mentoring Model

Three triads form Dr. Rich’s Executive Mentoring program. Each of these triads represents a practical area in which Dr. Schuttler facilitates measurable change with clients as they transition through a process like the Death and Dying Curve (stages of grieving), as originated by Elizabeth Kulber-Ross. The curve represents a researched theoretical and practical model that details the movement of how people transition through emotional responses to situations and into increased levels of knowledge and acceptance.

The model that Dr. Rich created and used successfully for over 20-years is based on the dichotomy of an individual’s perceived and actual levels of knowledge as described from a holistic and systemic perspective (reality). Accountability to oneself in their immediate personal and professional circles is a central theme in this model. As opportunities for improvement are noted and data regarding performance are gathered, clients realize that they may not be in as advantageous a situation as they previously assumed.


Dr. Dennis M.
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Dr. Rich, Without your help, guidance, and support this journey would have been more difficult. And frankly, I am not sure I would have had the stamina to finish without your guidance and support. Thank you, one thousand times, for everything you did during this process.
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After meeting you, I understood your candor, so please do not think "SOOO" what?! I know that you do not half-step in what you do. And it was a pleasure to have met you for the first time. If only I could have found you before the other 4 mentors that I had previously had!
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I just wanted to say THANK YOU! Honestly, my first thoughts were like paying your fee was No way, I will do it on my own. That obviously got me nowhere! I just received feedback from the work we did together. I am so excited and I am so thankful for your guidance and speedy feedback. You are the MAN!!!! I just had to share that with friends and family would not understand the excitement, but you've been there...Thanks again!

Advisor, Educator, and Facilitator Triad

The Advisor, Educator, and Facilitator triad allow for the initial dialogue between Dr. Rich and his client. The client takes on the role of a learner to gain new insights and relearn what is required for new growth to occur. This triad allows clients to challenge their assumptions, beliefs, and values on multiple levels to gain an objective perspective and insights into confronting issues. This triad focuses on the client’s acquisition of new knowledge about their own actual performance, skills, and abilities as measured, rather than through one’s own perception.

Dr Rich Schuttler's Executive Mentoring Model for Learner Phase
Dr Rich Schuttler's Executive Mentoring Model for Mentee Phase

Coach, Strategist, and Role Model Triad

The Coach, Strategist, and Role Model triad transitions the client from their role as a learner to that of a mentee. This triad empowers the client to determine how best to unleash the talent within to achieve their own full potential. In this triad, clients realize their own uniqueness as they transition from unknowing to knowing. Often, this triad is the most challenging area within the model due to the complexity of determining, shifting, and realigning action-based learning.

Troubleshooter, Innovator, Analyst Triad

The Troubleshooter, Innovator, Analyst triad uses the other two triads as a strong foundation for a distinctive and lasting experience for the client. At this point, the client has transitioned their role from a learner to a mentee and now an even better leader through appropriate feedback mechanisms and sound collaborative decision making. This triad allows for dialogue concentrated on how to lead and maintain lasting change both internally and in one’s surrounding circle of personal and professional relationships.

Dr. Rich Schuttler's Executive Mentoring Model for Leader Phase
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Thanks so much for all your help Dr. Rich! Your systematic and practical approach to putting together my work helped me more than you know. My supervisor said it was the best she ever reviewed. I used my mind-map in one of the slides; she LOVED it! She said she was sitting with her mouth open in awe. She wants a copy of it to pass out to others. I would not have made it this far without all your help! Thank you! Thank you!
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Dr. Rich; Thank you Dr. Schuttler for your expertise and guidance! Your down-to-earth insight helped me narrow my focus, communicate my ideas, and align my thoughts. Thank you for your effort and timely responses. It was great working with you.
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Dr. Rich, Thanks for your candor, Dr. Rich, which is what I really love about you.
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Dr. Rich, I would like to say a big Thank You for coming into my life when you did.

Dr. Rich Schuttler’s 60-Days 1-on-1 Personal Success Mentoring Program

$uccess $corecard Tracking System

50-Page Color Step-by-Step Workbook with Examples & Auto-Completion System (also allows for simple updating)

Leadership & Communication’s Mastery

5-Lesson College-Level Self-Paced Online Course

Leadership Self-Assessment


Laws of Communication

6-Lesson College-Level Self-Paced Online Course with Completion Certificate (includes eBook Laws of Communication: The Intersection Where Leadership Meets Employee Performance)

1-on-1 Mentoring

  • 8-Weekly 60-Minute Telephone / Zoom Calls with Dr. Rich.
  • Guidance to set-up $uccess $corecard Tracking System for 12-months.
  • Debrief and Consultation based on results of Leadership Self-Assessment.
  • Debrief and Consultation on Leadership & Communication’s Mastery Course.

Debrief and Consultation after completing Laws of Communication Course.

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Thanks so much for all your guidance, Dr. Rich! You and your program have definitely made the steps that I need to take so very clear. Your philosophy of combining incremental gains with critical and higher-order thinking skills sure is the key to success in every aspect of life. Indeed, I have learned far more than expected working with you.
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Dr. Rich, First, let me thank you for the critical and beneficial feedback you provided. You, individually, have done more for my educational development than all others put together.
Dr. C.W.
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Dr. Rich: I feel compelled to give you my acknowledgments and sincerest appreciation for tithing your knowledge. I'm very thankful to you for all your encouragement and assistance in providing me with the tools to complete my work now and in the future!

In Summary

The Troubleshooter, Innovator, Analyst triad uses the other two triads as a strong foundation for a distinctive and lasting experience for the client. At this point, the client has transitioned their role from a learner to a mentee and now an even better leader through appropriate feedback mechanisms and sound collaborative decision making. This triad allows for dialogue concentrated on how to lead and maintain lasting change both internally and in one’s surrounding circle of personal and professional relationships.

The energy created within these triads creates the individualized and intentional mentoring relationship that is distinctively focused on the present and future needs of Dr. Rich’s clients. As such, each client’s experience with the model is highly personalized and tailored to personality, style, and needs.

In over 20-years of mentoring, Dr. Rich has never been asked for a refund!

Dr. Rich Schuttler helps transform learners into leaders using his Executive Mentoring Model

Dr. Rich is a mentor for executives, faculty, and students around the world in a variety of professional leadership and management settings. 

He is a customer-driven, quality-focused, innovative, and engaging international public speaker, educator, business consultant, mentor, and author with over 20 years of expertise.

Dr. Rich’s Process Works for Him,
All His Clients,
And It Will Work For You Too!

Contact Dr. Rich Today for a Personalized Consultation!

Dr. C.P.
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It is with earnest conviction that I recommend Dr. Richard Schuttler as an outstanding leader. He exemplifies the grit, mindset, and diligence needed to complete any task, as well as offers applied critical thinking to tackle even the most overwhelming obstacles associated with career progression. Over the past few year, I’ve had the opportunity to interact and assess Dr. Schuttler's professional activities and when it came time to embark on my journey, I did not have to think twice about who I would select to assist in maintaining my focus. Dr. Schuttler is a true professional in every sense of the word and places his clients’ interests as priority. His multi-faceted approach illustrates his dedication to goal achievement. He emanates a sense of trustworthiness that makes you feel secure.
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Leadership Self-Assessment

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